2 Michelin star dinner at Belcanto Restaurant

As we rang the door bell, dressed up and jolly nervous, I remember repeating to myself to stay cool and look normal – s t a y  c o o l –  relax and pretend this is not your first time. Welcome, an elegant and smiling waiter said, and as he took our coats and accompanied us to our pristine table, I couldn’t help but feel like Titanic’s Jack Dawson with his pal Molly Brown at his “first class” dinner, except I was with my buddy-buddy husband and we weren’t going to be bullied but pampered at one of the most exclusive restaurants in Lisbon, Belcanto Restaurant. Continua a leggere

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Receta ragú italiano: al estilo Giu

Confieso que tengo un amante, un amigo, un enemigo: la comida. Si estoy triste, como para alegrarme. Si estoy estresada, como para calmarme. Si estoy aburrida, como para entretenerme. Si estoy alegre, como para celebrar. Si estoy de viaje, como para conocer. Y tener un esposo siciliano no ayuda: la comida italiana es d e l i c i o s a. Hoy les comparto un ragú de carne a la Boloñesa maravilloso que preparamos juntos (él, el chef; yo, la catadora oficial) y que terminamos de cocer al horno.

Lumaconi (tipo de pasta) al ragú a la boloñesa cocido al horno

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Amsterdam, my top 5 discoveries

I have been living in Europe for more than 8 years now, and only this last weekend I finally visited the Netherlands. Why did I take so long to go to these “lower countries” I will never know. What I do know is that Amsterdam is now one of my favorite cities and one on my list of most characteristic places I have seen. Although the 3 activities I loved the most were admiring Vincent at the Van Gogh Museum, reflecting at the Anne Frank House and enjoying food, here I share the 5 most interesting discoveries I made during my short but intense time here.

Tulips in winter, Amsterdam

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Visiting Dublin to drink beer and see Coldplay

The first time I touched Irish ground was 10 years ago when I was visiting my sister in Madrid and had a very short layover in Dublin airport. That was the first time I literally had to run to the gate shouting to the people walking idly in front of me to move and let me through (yeah like in a movie). I was the last person to get on the plane. They closed the doors behind me and sweating and totally out of breath I sat on my seat and thought to myself that I had to one day return to visit (everyone had been so nice, love here, sweetheart there). It was a strange feeling, as if I knew right then that I was going to love Ireland and the Irish. I was right.

Guinness tasting time indeed!

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Malta, decepcionante isla del Mediterráneo

País miembro de la Unión Europea, Malta es una pequeña isla situada al sur de Italia que decidí visitar en ocasión de mi cumpleaños. Malta tiene mucho por ofrecer, leí en varios sitios de turismo: playas fascinantes, gente amable, sitios maravillosos, comida para chuparse los dedos. No, no es así. No hay varias, sino una sola playa fascinante. La gente no es amable. Los lugares maravillosos son contados y para encontrar buena comida se debe tener mucha suerte. Malta es uno de esos lugares que se pueden visitar una vez en la vida pero que no se querrá visitar de nuevo.

La Valeta

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Wanna cook?

When my brother first saw me wearing these shoes, he asked if they were the female version of Mr. White’s. I simply asked him if he wanted to cook. Yeah, we are Breaking Bad fans.

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Comida siciliana: vulissi un calzoni

Si mi memoria no me falla, fue en tercero básico que aprendí la geografía europea. Miss Letty, mi maestra de secundaria y quién recuerdo con cariño, nos hacía estudiar todo:  los países, las capitales, los continentes, los ríos, los lagos, los mares, los volcanes, las montañas, las islas…en fin, todo. Sus exámenes eran yuca como decimos en Guatemala, es decir difíciles. Aparte de preguntas con respuesta múltiple o abiertas, incluía mapas donde debíamos por ejemplo dibujar los ríos o señalar las islas. Entre ellas recuerdo bien, Sicilia: la isla más grande de Italia y del Mediterráneo.

Panorama de Sicilia

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